Saturday, July 11, 2009

Vraiment, Felix?

A diptych with Ferret, below.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ti Voglio Bene, Ferret

Riffing, of course, on Leonardo's Lady with Ermine.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Felix, as Dante, Encounters Dangerose, as Beatrice...

Accompanied by Two Spectres

Riffing on a kitsch painting available everywhere in Florence on postcards.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Backstage Maurice.

Maurice Brie performing "Les Feuilles Mortes."

Maurice Brie performing "Les Feuilles Mortes."

Backstage Maurice.

Backstage photos from my performance as Maurice Brie at "The Collections" premiere, June 27, 2009. Photo: Anna Krachey for Monofonus Press

Dangerose's new heraldry: Mélusine with Dog and Sphinx Salient

L'art pour l'art, l'amour fou. (Art for art's sake, crazy love.}

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Well, really, it was the stroke of noon. And I wasn't eating a croissant and toting a take-out coffee.

But I do have something new and sparkly that comes in the turquoise box in the tiny turquoise shopping bag that puts a lilt in one's step for days. Without a wedding to pay for next month, I figured someone owed me a diamond -- and it turns out it's me! I also wanted to celebrate no medical tests until October, and finishing the book, and nearly finishing the epilogue drawing series -- later this week, probably. And I bought myself a white dress. But this one's more like a slip, and from the 1920's, with white embroidery. Now that every day is over 100 degrees here I need something white and light and airy -- the prototypical summer dress -- to wear with ankle-tied espadrilles and a tan. But I think I can wear it in winter, too, over a turtleneck and with black ribbed stockings and short boots -- rockin' that turn-of-the-century Death in Venice look. In any case, it's one of those prototypical dresses that's timeless and like something I draw.

And I wore a hibiscus flower in my hair while I shopped. Happy day. (Smile) Sometimes I do take good care of me.